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Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and
support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
(maximum 500 words) (information to be available in institutional Website, provide
The institution takes care of various Physical, Academic and support
facility in a systematic manner. For routine maintenance of the civil structures of
the college, the Maintenance Committee Comprising senior faculty members and
non-teaching staff ensure that the upkeep and maintenance of all infrastructure
facilities available in the campus are intact. The college development fund is
utilized for maintenance of minor repairs of furniture and equipments. The
committee estimates the cost and submits it to the head of the institution. The
Principal/ Management approve and allocate the funds. An effective monitoring
system through various committees, bursar, Principal and Management ensures the
optimal utilization of budget allocated. Day-to-day maintenance is carried out by
the staff appointed (lab assistants) and qualified technical staff for maintaining
computers and networking facilities. Local service providers are contacted to
provide the services for repairing of equipments whenever needed. The college has
its own generator and invertors to ensure uninterrupted supply of power. Regular
and stabilized electricity supply is maintained at every cost for the smooth
functioning of laborarities and its instruments. Necessary and adequate measures
are made for constant supply, constant voltage, and adequate load. In order to
maintain stabilized instrument operation, voltage control is achieved through the
use of stabilizers and UPS. The institution always plans ahead to ensure that its
infrastructure development keep pace with its academic growth. Additions are
made and existing ones are augmented whenever need arises. All the computer
labs are air conditioned for optimal use of sensitive computer systems. |